Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Paul Strand-Michele Morimoto

Technology-Michele Morimoto

cynthia lopez "Technology''

cynthia lopez "Paul Strand''

paul strand- maria quintana

paul strand- maria quintana

cynthia lopez "Geometric and Organic''

Erin Garcia-Technology

Ryan Eck '' Technology''

Geometric/orangic shape -Michele Morimoto

Ryan Eck ''Organic''

Erin Garcia-4Square

Erin Garcia-Geometric

Ryan Eck ''Paul Strand''

Ryan Eck ''Geometric''

Running Water-Cassie Jones and Leah Richey

Erin Garcia-Organic

Modern- Austin Hess

Strand- Jessica Knotts

Modern Paul Strand-Joe Srnsky

Geometric shape-Joe Srnsky

Technology "Shardae Ham"

transformer- brianna de leon

strand Imitation Marissa Adams and Alexis Borroto

Paul Strand- Nicole Williams

Strand Imitation Marissa Adams and Alexis Borroto

(tech) i-pod lauren garcia

Strand Imitation Marissa Adams and Alexis Borroto

john stanfield paul strand

Austin Hess

Austin Hess

Austin Hess